Apply to Host a Student

Homestay hosts have an important job. Hosts serve as ambassadors to students who are otherwise alone in a new and unfamiliar environment. They provide a sense of community and security, help them understand American culture, give them a fully immersed English-speaking environment. All of this contributes to giving international students a warm, welcoming, and unforgettable experience in the United States.

Hosts also have an amazing opportunity for a wonderful experience. By interacting with a new culture, families open themselves up to the wider world. It’s a chance to learn from a new perspective. Most importantly, it’s a way to make a new friend that may last a lifetime.

USA Homestays provides the training and orientation to prepare for this endeavor. Additionally, we are always available as a resource or just to talk. Our goal is to walk with every host family together.

We offer short-term (2 weeks or less), intermediate (2 weeks to 3 months) and long-term (3 months or longer) hosting options. Some short-term and intermediate hosting options in Minneapolis are offered in partnership with The Hospitality Center. Those hosting long-term, will receive a monthly stipend that should more than cover any costs. However, our host families do not do this for financial gain. They do it to share life with people they would otherwise never have the chance to meet.

We have high standards for the families that become part of this program because we want this to be a successful relationship that makes for a positive and memorable experience for all. Not all host family applicants will be approved.

Please check our locations to see the cities where we operate. We always accept applications from new families in these cities. If you’re not in one of those cities, we would still be grateful to hear from you, and we may be able to connect you with someone working with international students in your area. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, we would love to talk with you. Please fill out the form below. We will contact you shortly to schedule a host family interview.


If you have some questions, you might find our Frequently Asked Questions page helpful. Or feel free to contact us.

USA Homestays is very deliberate in selecting both students and host families. We strive to make the best possible matches. Therefore, USA Homestays does not guarantee placement for every applicant. This online form is simply the beginning of the process of finding a suitable match